A Copernican revolution
To have first conceptualized and then produced at least 7 different sound varieties for a single musical instrument has certainly been the most remarkable innovation that has appeared in the saxophone world in recent decades; but not the only one that Borgani has submitted to the scrutiny of musicians. These offerings all point in the same direction: to help the saxophonist to find an instrument that suits their needs, that compliment their characteristics, their taste, their physiology, in short an instrument that will do anything required of it. Indeed, because in the double label of Musician / Saxophonist, very often the former has had to adapt itself to the limitations of the latter, and until now, this situation could not be significantly altered.
That is the spirit that has inspired our work, that of putting the musician at the centre of our endeavour, and enabling them to choose from various options, whether they are tonal or technical; enabling the musician to carry out their task, whether they are a great performer or an amateur. Everyone must be able to feel, at the moment when they make their choice, that they have acquired a Saxophone which is the closest possible match with their taste, not just the average good instrument, but THEIR instrument.
This is our mission. Our existence is inspired by your music.
straight soprano sax

half curved soprano sax

alto sax